Be More Knowledgeable on Cyber Security

I think we all know that the internet is very important for business owners in the world today. It is probably safe to say that most businesses would not be able to operate without it. Not only is it something that seems so necessary to operate a business, but it can make a huge impact on sales. A recent study performed by the Federal Communications Commission shows that businesses that have an internet connection make an average amount of $200,000 more than those who do not.

I think we all know as well that the internet can also cause a lot of damage to a business with how experienced hackers are today. We see cyber-attacks on the news all the time and it can really hurt businesses, which is why it is very crucial to stay up to date on cybersecurity. You as a business owner need to be trying to make your computers as safe as they can be. The FCC recently wrote a great article with 10 tips on how to be more secure. In the article, you can also find links to other resources that can assist you with gaining more knowledge on cybersecurity.

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