Customer Display and Signature Capture for QuickBooks Point of Sale Desktop

Add value to your QuickBooks Point of Sale with Ability Customer Facing Display!
  • Live Interactive Receipt Display with Images
  • Signature Capture to Cloud
  • Unlimited Scrolling Idle Images ;

Ability Customer Facing Display software provides an integrated solution for displaying receipts to the customer in an interactive display. Designed for use on iPad or iPad mini. Customers can enter their phone number and QuickBooks Point of Sale will search for the customer in the system automatically and link them to the sale. 

This is an annual subscription that you may cancel at any time. First year is $299 per station. Renewal cost is only $99/year per station. Your subscription includes software updates.


Customer lookup

At the iPad, the customer can quickly enter their phone number and their QuickBooks POS customer record is tied to the sale automatically.
Note:  Customer must already exist in QuickBooks Point of Sale.

Display item information

As the cashier scans the item, the following information is displayed:  Item #, Item Name, Qty, Price, Ext. Price, and Image.

Display receipt information

The Subtotal, Tax, and Total are shown on the iPad and updated as items are scanned and added to the receipt.

Payment selection

The customer can select their payment type:  Cash, Credit, or Debit
The customer's selected payment type is recorded in the Receipt Notes field.  Example:  Customer Requests: credit Payment.

Signature capture for credit card transactions.  

Customer signs on the iPad and the signature is stored in the cloud.

Display advertising images

Add unlimited, scrolling images.


This software requires a valid, registered copy of QuickBooks Point of Sale. The following versions are supported:
  • QuickBooks Point of Sale 2013 (V11)
  • QuickBooks Point of Sale V12

An active internet connection is required at all times to utilize our software.

iPad Mini or iPad running iOS 8.0 or later.  The iPad is not included in your subscription and is sold separately as an option.

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