- Load tags into the tag printer.
- Connect a network cable to the rear of the tag printer.
- Connect the other end of the network cable into an available port on your network.
- Plug the power adapter into the rear of the tag printer and then plug the power cable into an available AC outlet.
- Power the tag printer on by pressing and holding the power button for about 5 seconds and then release the power button.
- Once the tag printer has finished powering on, press and hold the "Feed" and "Cancel" buttons for two seconds and then release. This will print out a configuration page as shown below. Please note that by default, a new tag printer will obtain an IP address via DHCP.
- In the above image, we see that the tag printer is getting an IP address via DHCP of
- Open a web browser and enter the IP address listed in the Network Configuration print out.
- Under the section named "Printer Home Page", click the link named "View and Modify Printer Settings".
- When prompted to enter the password for the print server, enter "1234" and then click "Submit Changes".
- Click the link named "Access Granted. This IP Address now has admin access to the restricted printer pages. Please Click here to proceed.".
- Under the section named "Printer Home Page", click the link named "Print Server Settings".
- Under the section named "Status and Configuration", click the link named "Print Server".
- You will now be prompted to enter the username and password. The username is "admin" and the password is "1234". Once both have been entered, click "Sign in".
- Under the section named "Print Server Configuration", click the link named "TCP/IP Configuration".
- Change the IP Address to what you want it to be. In this situation, we will change it to
- Click the drop down box named "IP Protocol" and then click "permanent". This will change the network print server to now have a static IP address instead of one that is obtained via DHCP.
- Uncheck the box for the option named "Default Address Enabled".
- Click the button named "Submit Changes".
- Click the link named "The unit must be reset for new values to take effect.".
- Click the button named "Yes" to reset the device.
- The changes to the network print server will now be applied.
- Give the reset about a minute to complete.
- Enter the new static IP address for the network print server in your web browser and navigate to it to make sure that the changes that were made took effect.
- If the changes took effect, you will now see the status screen with the new static IP address for the network print server.
- Download the drivers for the Zebra ZD410 tag printer by clicking here.
- Click the button named "ACCEPT AND BEGIN DOWNLOAD NOW".
- Once the download has completed, open the installer by clicking on it.
- You may be presented with a User Account Control prompt, if so click "Yes".
- Click the button named "Next".
- Check the box for "I accept the terms of the license agreement" and then click the button named "Next".
- Click the button named "Next".
- Click the button named "Next".
- Click the button named "Next".
- Click the option box for "I have read the information above" and then click the button named "Next".
- Click the option box for "Run Zebra Setup Utilities now" and then click the button named "Finish".
- Click the button named "Install New Printer".
- Click the button named "Next".
- Click "Install Printer".
- In the pane titled "Printers:", scroll down until you get to one named "ZDesigner ZD410-203dpi ZPL". Click on that printer name and then click the button named "Next".
- Click the button named "Add Port...".
- Enter the new static IP address in the fields named "Name:" and "Printer Name or IP Address" and then click the button named "OK".
- You will now see a new port named "LAN_192.168.12.240" with the new static IP address and it will be highlighted. Click the button named "Next".
- Uncheck the option box named "Launch installation of Zebra Font Downloader Setup Wizard" and the click the button named "Finish".
- Once the printer driver and definition have been installed, you will see the newly created printer definition in the Zebra Setup Utilities shown below. You can then click the button named "Close" to close the Zebra Setup Utilities program.
The network configuration for the print server has now been completed and the printer installed on the workstation.