[LSR] QB Web Connector for Lightspeed Accounting

This article is separated into three sections listed below.

How to Manually Start the QB Web Connector

  1. Look on your desktop in Windows and see if you see a shortcut named "Web Connector" or not.  The shortcut will look like this.


  1. If you don't see the shortcut on the desktop, type "Web Connector" in the search bar in Windows.


  1. In the right window pane, click "Open file location".


  1. This will open the File Explorer and show you the shortcut in its actual location.


  1. Select the shortcut named "Web Connector" and click the "Copy" icon as shown below.


  1. In the left hand window pane, click "Desktop".


  1. Click the "Paste" icon to paste the shortcut onto your desktop.


  1. You will now see the shortcut for the QB Web Connector on your desktop as shown below.


  1. If you see the shortcut on the desktop, double click it to start the QB Web Connector and it will bring the application to the foreground in Windows as shown below.


  1. You can then minimize the QB Web Connector so that it is still running but not in the foreground by either clicking the minimize button in the upper right hand corner of the application or by clicking "Hide" in the lower right hand corner of the application.



How to Check to See if the QB Web Connector is Running

  1. Go out to the desktop in Windows.
  2. Take a look at the Taskbar notification tray in the lower right hand corner of the screen and see if you see an icon that looks like a folder with a magnifying glass over top of it like shown below.


  1. If you don't see the QB Web Connector icon in the Taskbar notification tray in the lower right hand corner of the screen, click the up tick icon in the Taskbar notification tray to show you any additional programs that are running on the workstation.


  1. This will pop up a window.


  1. Look in the pop up window and see if you see the icon for the QB Web Connector as shown below.


  1. If the QB Web Connector icon is shown in the pop up window, then the QB Web Connector is running.
  2. If you don't see the QB Web Connector application running, go to the first section named "How to Manually Start the QB Web Connector" at the top of this article and follow those instructions.
  3. Right click the QB Web Connector icon and then click "Restore" to bring the application to the foreground in Windows.



  1. Look for the entry named "Shogo - LS R-Series" and verify that the option named "Auto-Run" is enabled as shown below.


  1. If the option named "Auto-Run" is enabled, then the QB Web Connector is up and running and ready to communicate with Lightspeed Accounting.
  2. If the option named "Auto-Run" is not enabled, simply check the box for the option and it will then be ready to communicate with Lightspeed Accounting.
  3. Once you have confirmed that the QB Web Connector is up and running, you can either click the minimize button in the upper right hand corner of the application or click the button named "Hide" in the lower right hand corner of the application to minimize the QB Web Connector.



How to Close the QB Web Connector and Disable it from automatically performing updates from Lightspeed Accounting once it is no longer used

When you are no longer using Lightspeed Accounting to send data to your QBF Desktop company file via the QB Web Connector, you will need to disable the automatic updates that are configured.

  1. Open the QB Web Connector.
  2. You will see a listing of any configurations.


  1. In the above example, the connection is named "Shogo - LS R-Series".
  2. If the checkmark to the left of the application name is checked, uncheck it.


  1. Once it has been unchecked, it will look like this.


  1. You will now want to uncheck the option for the connection named "Auto-Run".

#3 - Copy.png

  1. Once it has been unchecked, it will look like this.


  1. Once both options have been unchecked, you can now close the QB Web Connector.
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