How to Configure a Program to Automatically Startup Upon Login in Windows 10 and Higher

This article will instruct you on how to configure a program in Windows 10 and higher to automatically start when either a specific user logs into the workstation or when any user logs into the workstation.


To configure a program to automatically startup when a specific user logs into Windows 10, please follow the below instructions.

  1. Press the "Windows" key and "R" together to open the run dialog.
  2. In the run dialog window, type "shell:startup" (without the quotes) and press "OK".
  3. A File Explorer window will open up.  The path will be "Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup".
  4. Copy and paste a shortcut of the program that you want to automatically start when a specific user logs into the workstation into the File Explorer window.
  5. The next time that you reboot the workstation and log in as the specific user, the program that was just copied into the File Explorer window will automatically be started.

To configure a program to automatically startup when any user logs into Windows 10 and higher, please follow the below instructions.

  1. Press the "Windows" key and "R" together to open the run dialog.
  2. In the run dialog window, type "shell:common startup" (without the quotes) and press "OK".
  3. A File Explorer window will open up.  The path will be "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp".
  4. Copy and paste a shortcut of the program that you want to automatically start when any user logs into the workstation into the File Explorer window.
  5. The next time that you reboot the workstation and log in as any user, the program that was just copied into the File Explorer window will automatically be started.
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