How to Stop and Restart the QBPOS Database Manager Service

If you encounter issues where you are not able to locate/access your QBPOS Desktop company file on one or more of your workstations, there may be an issue where the database for QBPOS Desktop needs to shutdown and restart itself.

Please note that before you follow the steps below, you need to make sure that QBPOS Desktop is closed (and not logged off) on each workstation in your environment.

These instructions are for the latest version of QBPOS Desktop which is version 18.0.

  1. Close QBPOS Desktop on all workstations that use QBPOS Desktop.
  2. Go to your POS server workstation.
  3. In your system tray, click on the search icon.


  1. You will now see the search area in Windows 10.


  1. Type Computer Management in the search area.


  1. Click on Run as administrator.


  1. If the user account that you are logged into on your workstation is a member of the Administrators group, please continue to step #14.
  2. If your POS server workstation was purchased from iPOS, you should be prompted with a User Account Control window shown below.


  1. Click More choices.


  1. You will now see additional user accounts listed below.


  1.  Click the user account named TJOHNSON.


  1. Enter the password for your TJOHNSON user account on the workstation in the password box.


  1. Click Yes.


  1. The Computer Management application in Windows 10 will now open as an administrator user account on the workstation.


  1. In the left hand window, click the > icon to the left of Services and Applications.


  1. Click Services under the section named Services and Applications.


  1. You will now see a list of entries in the main window in alphabetical order.


  1. In the main window, scroll down until you get to a service named QBPOS Database Manager v18.


  1. Click on the service named QBPOS Database Manager v18 to highlight it.


  1. Click the Restart icon at the top of the main window to restart the database service for QBPOS Desktop.


  1. This process will first shut the database down and then start it back up.
  2. Once it has been restarted, please check to verify that the service is currently showing as Running.


  1. Attempt to open QBPOS Desktop version 18.0 on each of your workstations.
  2. If you are still unable to locate/open your database, please contact iPOS Support Team by either emailing or by calling (570)906-8598 option #3.
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