QuickBooks Point of Sale Desktop installation process

This article notes the steps to install QuickBooks Point of Sale Desktop.  Before installing the current version of QuickBooks Point of Sale Desktop, please check the System Requirements here.

  1. First, you will need to Download (if you have not already done so) QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale. See the Download QuickBooks Point of Sale Desktop article for more information.
  2. Go to the location where QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale was saved when you downloaded and double-click the QuickBooks Point of Sale executable file (ex. QBPOSv18.exe) to run the Point of Sale installation.
  3. Click Yes to All if prompted to overwrite the existing extracted files.
  4. Click Next to begin the installation.
  5. Read the Software License Agreement. If you agree, select I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next.
  6. Enter your License and Product numbers and click Next.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Select the number of computers to be used for Point of Sale.
    • Single User: Select Only this computer and follow the installation process.
    • Multiple Users: Choose Two or more computers and select if it is the Server or Client workstation
      1. Server Workstation: A Server workstation is the first workstation to which QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale is installed. Server workstation create and hold your company data.
      2. Client workstation: The client workstation is usually the cash register used to assist customers in their daily sales and have simultaneous access to the program.
        Note: If you need to change the installation type of POS from server to workstation or vice versa, you have to uninstall and reinstall the program.
  9. Click Install to continue, or click Back if you need to go back and review any of the previous screens.
  10. You may need to restart your computer and then open QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale  to get started.
  11.  After installation, activate QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale and you’re all set.


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