Purchase Order Report for PA Distributors

This Article lists the steps for a PA Beer Distributor using Revel POS and the Excel Macro iPOS created to produce a simple report to aid in ordering Product from Vendors.

What is needed:

  1. Product Inventory Summary Report.
    • Based on the date range specified.
    • Filtered by Vendor.
    • Exported to a noted place on your hard drive.
  2. Excel Macro created by iPOS.

Export Product Inventory Summary Report

  1. Go to "Management Console", then "Reports" , then "Other Reports", and then "Product Inventory Summary".


Set the Date Range and Vendor:

  1. The Date is set by clicking the Date Range immediately under the "Product Inventory Summary" Report Title in the blue header.
  2. Select the Vendor by clicking the "Filter" Button and finding in the Vendor Section. 
  3. Click "Apply" in the bottom right of the Filter Box.


Export the list of Products:

  1. Click the "Ellipses" button between the Search and Help Buttons on the right of the blue header and then click "XLS".


  1. Select where to save the report.  Please note where you save the report.


  1. Go to your Windows Desktop (or wherever you saved the Excel Macro to produce the Report).
  2. Double click the Macro spreadsheet.


  1. When prompted, click the file you just exported and saved.


  1. You will be prompted to save the file.  We recommend you rename the file and save it in a location easy to access, like on the desktop.


  1. The Macro will then produce a worksheet that will allow you to note the quantities of each Product you want to order in the Order Column.


  1. Use the information on this report to produce your Purchase Order.
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