How to Perform a Scheduled Backup of Your QBF Desktop Company File


  1. Click "File".

  1. Click "Back Up Company".

  1. Click "Create Local Backup".

  1. Click "Local backup".

  1. Click "Options".

  1. Click "Browse".

  1. Drill down and select the folder that you wish to save the backups to and then click "OK".

  1. The next option to select is the option named "Add the date and time of the backup to the file name (recommended)".

  1. The next option to select is the option named "Limit the number of backup copies in this folder to".

  1. You also have the ability to choose how many backups are going to be kept by entering a value in the box show below.

  1. The next option you can choose to use is named "Remind me to back up when I close my company file every X times". This option allows you to have the application remind you to backup your company file after the company file has been closed a specific number of times on the workstation that is being configured.

  1. The last option that you need to choose is the verify data during backup option. We recommend that you choose the option named "Complete verification (single-user mode only)".

  1. Click "OK".

  1. Click "Next".

  1. Click "Only schedule future backups" and then click "Next".

  1. Click "New".

  1. In the box named "Description", enter "Scheduled Backup".

  1. Click "Browse".

  1. Drill down and select the folder that you wish to save the backup to and then click "OK".


  1. The next option to select is the option named "Number of backup copies to keep".

  1. Enter the number of backups that are going to be kept by entering a value in the box shown below.

  1. Using the drop down menus shown below, choose the time that you want the scheduled backups to take place.

  1. Place a checkmark in each of the days of the week that you want the scheduled backup to be performed.

  1. Click "Store Password".

  1. You will be prompted to enter a password for the user account in Windows that is currently logged onto the workstation. Enter the password and then click "OK".

  1. Click "OK" to save the newly created scheduled backup configuration.

  1. You can view the newly created scheduled backup set and then click "Finish".

  1. You will now be informed that the scheduled backups have been scheduled as specified.

  1. The scheduled backups will be named using the following convention. “SBU_X_CompanyName Date and Time.QBB”.  X will be a number starting at 0 and going to the maximum number of backups chosen.  For example: SBU_0_Company Name Feb 19,2018 10 55 AM.QBB

  1. The most recent backup will always be numbered 0.
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