- Click "File".
- Click "Back Up Company".
- Click "Create Local Backup".
- Click "Local backup".
- Click "Options".
- Click "Browse".
- Drill down and select the folder that you wish to save the backups to and then click "OK".
- The next option to select is the option named "Add the date and time of the backup to the file name (recommended)".
- The next option to select is the option named "Limit the number of backup copies in this folder to".
- You also have the ability to choose how many backups are going to be kept by entering a value in the box show below.
- The next option you can choose to use is named "Remind me to back up when I close my company file every X times". This option allows you to have the application remind you to backup your company file after the company file has been closed a specific number of times on the workstation that is being configured.
- The last option that you need to choose is the verify data during backup option. We recommend that you choose the option named "Complete verification (single-user mode only)".
- Click "OK".
- Click "Finish" to perform the manual backup.
- You will then be presented with a notification that the manual backup has completed. Click "OK" to continue.