Installing the Revel Inventory Application

Installing the Revel Inventory Application

Before performing the Physical Inventory process, the Revel Inventory application must be installed on your iPod/iPad/iPhone.  If you have rented a device or devices from iPOS the Revel Inventory App will already be installed and you can skip this step.

  1. Locate the App Store application on your iPad and open it.


  1. Type “Revel Inventory” in the search bar located in the top right hand corner of the App Store.


  1. Select the "Revel Inventory" application by tapping the blue cloud download image.


  1. You will now see the application begin to download on the main screen.  When it is downloading it will look like the icon on the left, when the download is complete it will look like the icon on the right.

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Please note that the Revel Inventory app will be named "Inventory" on the iPad but have the above orange app icon.

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  • 0
    Joe Genshlea

    After the app downloads and installs there's prompt that instructs the user to enter a code into the Management Console.  Forgot to document that KEY step!

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