[LSR / LSA] Purchase Order not sent to QB Desktop

Occasionally a Purchase Order in LSR may not get sent to QB Desktop.  In most cases this is due to something not mapped properly.

Recently Lightspeed Accounting has been undergoing changes, like adding the ability to map Discounts on Purchase Orders.

In this case, the first time you apply a discount to the Purchase Order in LSR and it Posts to LSA, the PO will not sync to QB DT.  If you look at the PO in LSA Reports / Purchase Orders it may say it is Posted.

However, if, from the LSA Home screen, change the date to the date the PO Posted to LSA and click the Sales Total at the bottom, on the next scrren you should see a Yellow dot on the top-right, next to 'PO:'.  This is identifying an issue with one or more Purchase Orders.

If you scroll down and review the POs, one or more may say failed.  At the bottom of the PO, the Discount line may be Highlighted Yellow and the Discount Row starts with Error: No Config.


This message means the Discount is not mapped to a G/L Account in your QB Desktop.  Simply click Settings / Accounting (if you have more than one location, click 'View Details' on the location with the issue) and from the list down the right-hand side, select Purchase Orders.  The PODISC row at the top will need mapped to your Purchases Discount Expense or CoGS G/L account in QB Desktop.


Once mapped, click Home in the top left corner and change the date back to the date in question.


Click the Sales Total at the bottom of the screen for the location in question, on the Summary screen, on the right hand side you will see three icons,

- Lightning Bolt - when you mouse over it says 'Post'

Lightning Bolt Icon.png

- Calculator - when you mouse over it says 'Regenerate Accounting'

Calculator Icon.png

- iCon that looks like a 'refresh' icon - when you mouse over it says 'Reload Sales'

Reload Icon.png

Click the Calculator iCon to Regenerate Accounting.

Scroll to the PO that has not synced and confirm the Discount line now reflects the G/L account you just mapped.


Upon the next QB Web-Connector sync, the PO should now appear as a bill to be paid in QB Desktop.

If you still do not see the PO in QB Desktop or you have another issue with your POs syncing to QB Desktop, please reach out to Lightspeed Support or call the iPOS Support Team at (570)906-8598 option #3.

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