How to Install, Configure and Test a Zebra Ethernet Print Server in a ZD411 Label Printer

This article will walk you through installing, configuring and testing a Zebra Ethernet Print Server with part number P1112640-015 into a Zebra ZD411 label printer.

The parts needed for this installation are listed below.

  • Zebra ZD411 label printer with power adapter.


  • Zebra Ethernet Print Server part number P1112640-015 that includes the expansion module and the expansion module cover.




  • Network cable
  1. Turn the label printer off by pressing and holding the power button for a couple of seconds.
  2. Lay the label printer on its face so that you are looking at the rear of the label printer as shown below.


  1. Unplug the power cable from the rear of the label printer.


  1. Once the power cable has been unplugged, the rear of the label printer will look like this.


  1. Remove the expansion cover shown below by either using a small, flat screwdriver or your fingernail.


  1. Once the expansion cover has been removed, the rear of the printer will look like this.


  1. Put the expansion cover in a safe place so that it could be reinstalled at a later time if the Zebra Ethernet Print Server is ever uninstalled from the label printer.
  2. Remove the Zebra Ethernet Print Server module from its static electricity protection bag.


  1. Insert the Zebra Ethernet Print Server module into the expansion port in the rear of the label printer as shown below.  You will need to gently press the module into the slot and secure it in the connector.


  1. Remove the Zebra Ethernet Print Server expansion cover from its bag.  Please note that there is another expansion cover that is much bigger that is included but is not needed for the ZD411 label printer.


  1. Insert the Zebra Ethernet Print Server expansion cover into the expansion slot and lock it into place as shown below.


  1. Plug the power cable back into the power port on the rear of the label printer.


  1. Insert a network cable into the Ethernet port on the expansion module and plug the other end of the network cable into your network.


  1. Flip the label printer onto its feet in its normal position.


  1. Power the tag printer on by pressing and holding the power button for about 5 seconds and then release the power button.


  1. Once the label printer has finished powering on, you should see both the status light and network status light both lit green as shown below.


  1. Once the tag printer has finished powering on, press and hold the Feed and Cancel buttons for two seconds and then release.


  1. This will print out a configuration page as shown below.  Please note that by default, a new tag printer will obtain an IP address via DHCP.  Keep this information as it will be used later for configuration purposes.


  1. In the above image, we see that the label printer is getting an IP address via DHCP of
  2. Open a web browser like Google Chrome from a workstation that is on the same network and enter the IP address listed above in the Network Configuration print out.


  1. Under the section named "Printer Home Page", click the link named "View and Modify Printer Settings".


  1. When prompted to enter the password for the print server, enter "admin" as the username and "1234" as the password and then click "Submit Changes".


  1. Click the link named "Access Granted.  This IP Address now has admin access to the restricted printer pages.  Please Click here to proceed.".


  1. Click "Home" to be taken back to the main menu.


  1. Under the section named "Printer Home Page", click the link named "Print Server Settings".


  1. Under the section named "Status and Configuration", click "Print Server".


  1. You will now be prompted to enter the username and password.  The username is "admin" and the password is "1234".  Once both have been entered, click "Sign in".


  1. Under the section named "Print Server Configuration", click "TCP/IP Configuration".


  1. Change the IP address to what you want it to be.  In this situation, we will change it to "".


  1. Click the drop down box named "IP Protocol" and then click "permanent".  This will change the network print server to now have a static IP address instead of one that is obtained via DHCP.


  1. Uncheck the box for the option named "Default Address Enabled".


  1. Click the button named "Submit Changes".


  1. Click the link named "The unit must be reset for new values to take effect".


  1. Click the button named "Yes" to reset the device.


  1. The changes to the Zebra Ethernet Print Server will now be applied.
  2. Give the reset about a minute to complete.
  3. Enter the new static IP address for the Zebra Ethernet Print Server in your web browser and navigate to it to make sure that the changes that were made took effect.
  4. If the changes took effect, you will now see the status screen with the new static IP address for the network print server.


  1. Download the Windows drivers for the Zebra ZD411 label printer by clicking here and then clicking the button named "Download" under the section for "Zebra Setup Utilities for Windows".


  1. Click the box for the option named "I agree to and accept the above terms and conditions." and then click the button named "DOWNLOAD".


  1. Once the download has completed, run the installer by clicking on it.


  1. You may be presented with a User Account Control prompt, if so click "Yes".


  1. Click the button named "Next".


  1. Click the box for "I accept the terms of the license agreement" and then click the button named "Next".


  1. Click the button named "Next".


  1. Click the button named "Next".


  1. Click the button named "Next".


  1. Click the box named "I have read the information above" and then click the button named "Next".


  1. Click the box named "Run Zebra Setup Utilities now" and then click "Finish".


  1. Click the button named "Finish".


  1. Click the button named "Install New Printer".


  1. Click the button named "Next".


  1. Click "Install Printer".


  1. Click the box option named "I accept the terms in the license agreement" and then click the button named "Next".


  1. In the window named "Printers:", scroll down to the listing named "ZDesigner ZD411-203dpi ZPL", click it to highlight it and then click the button named "Next".


  1. Click the button named "Add Port".


  1. In the option named "Port Name", enter the static IP address of the Zebra Ethernet Print Server.  In this example the static IP address is "".


  1. In the option named "Printer Name or IP Address", enter the static IP address of the Zebra Ethernet Print Server.  In this example the static IP address is "".


  1. Click the button named "OK".


  1. Click the button named "Next".


  1. Uncheck the box option named "Launch installation of Zebra Font Downloader Setup Wizard" and then click the button named "Finish".


  1. Once the printer driver and definition have been installed, you will see the newly created printer definition in the Zebra Setup Utilities shown below.  You can then click the button named "Close" to close the Zebra Setup Utilities program.


The configuration of the Zebra Ethernet Print Server and installation and configuration of the printer definition and driver in Windows has now been completed.

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