How to Clear/Empty the Cache in Web Browsers on a Workstation

Clearing Your Cache

Clients who are experiencing difficulties with browsing web sites should clear the cache from their Internet history, close their browser and re-open their browser. 

To clear cache from the browser history:

Google Chrome:

  1. Open the browser, and click on the three-bar button to the right of the address bar, and click Settings.


  1. In the left hand window, click on "Privacy and Security".


  1. In the main window, click "Clear browsing data".


  1. In the window named "Clear browsing data", click "Advanced".


  1. Set the option named "Time range" to "All time".








  1. Click the menu button and choose Preferences.
  2. Select the Advanced panel.
  3. Click on the Network tab.
  4. In the Cached Web Content section, click Clear Now.

Close the Preferences window.


  1. Open the browser, and on the menu bar, click Safari>Preferences.


  1. Select the Advanced tab.  Click on Show Develop menu in menu bar.


  1. In the Develop menu (now on the menu bar), go down and click on Empty Caches.


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