How to Create a Lightspeed Accounting Account for Lightspeed Retail R Series

  1. Obtain the credentials from the customer for their Primary User account in Lightspeed Retail and save the credentials in their organization notes in Zendesk.
  2. Open Google Chrome.
  3. Click here to be taken to the Lightspeed Accounting login page.


  1. Click "Register".


  1. You will need to enter the appropriate information for the fields listed below.
  • Company Name
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Confirm Email Address
  • Password
  • Confirm Password


  1. After the needed data has been entered, click the checkbox for "I'm not a robot".


  1. Click "Sign Up".


  1. You will be taken to the main screen in the newly created Lightspeed Accounting account as shown below.


  1. We are now going to create the iPOS Support user account in the customer's Lightspeed Accounting account.
  2. At the top menu bar, click "Settings" and then click "Users".


  1. In the upper right hand corner, click "New User".


  1. Enter the information as shown below (use the iPOS support Lightspeed Retail username for the customer for the email address).


  1. Click the drop down box for "Account Type" and choose "Full Access".


  1. Uncheck the option named "Receive Daily Email" and check the option named "Receive Accounting Notifications".


  1. Click "Save".


  1. You will now see the newly created Lightspeed Accounting user for iPOS Support.


  1. At this point, you can then go to the login page here and click "forgot password".


  1. Enter the username for the iPOS Support account for the customer and then click "Reset Password".


  1. An email will be sent to the email address with a link that you must click and then enter and confirm the password that is used for their iPOS Support account for Lightspeed Retail so that both accounts match.
  2. The Lightspeed Accounting account for both the customer and iPOS Support have now been created.
  3. Another article here will walk you through setting up the connection to customer's QBF Desktop company file and the QB Web Connector.
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