Weekly Procedure for Lightspeed POS Equipment Maintenance

The proper weekly procedure to perform a full power cycle for the Lightspeed Retail system equipment is listed below.

After logging out of Lightspeed Retail and closing Google Chrome, power off the following pieces of equipment in the noted order below.

  1. PC(s)
  2. Monitor(s)
  3. iPad(s)
  4. Receipt/laser/label printer(s)
  5. Barcode Scanner(s)
  6. Pin pad terminal(s) / credit card reader(s)
  7. Switch(es)
  8. Wireless access point(s)
  9. Lightspeed Retail router
  10. Modem/router from your Internet Service Provider (ISP)

After waiting about 5 minutes, power on the following pieces of equipment in the noted order below.

  1. Modem/router from your Internet Service Provider (ISP)
  2. Lightspeed Retail router
  3. Wireless access point(s)
  4. Switch(es)
  5. Pin pad terminal(s) / credit card reader(s)
  6. Barcode Scanner(s)
  7. Receipt/laser/labor printer(s)
  8. iPad(s)
  9. Monitor(s)
  10. PC(s)
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