How do I Disable Auto Cash?


By default, when the cashier hits the “Cash” button on the payment screen of the Revel application, it will automatically close the order for the exact amount of cash. For example, if the balance due is $2.11, hitting the “Cash” button will automatically complete the order for $2.11 in cash. 

In version 2.10, this can be disabled and the cashier must enter in the amount of cash handed before hitting “Cash”. For example the cashier must punch in $2.11 then hit cash to close out the order. This can be used to prevent accidentally selecting “Cash” and having it closing the order. It's also helpful when making change for the amount of cash tendered since the system will display the change due to the customer based on the amount tendered.   

To turn on this feature:

  1. Log into the Revel Management Console
  2. Select the “Settings” icon at the top
  3. Change the view from “Basic” to “Advanced” then select “Payments”
  4. Check on “Disable Auto Cash”


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