Refunding Money From Customer Account Balance

Refunding Money from Customer Account Balance

If your customer returned an item and you applied the amount of the refund to their house account, you will need to process the refund of the balance of the account in the following manner.  EMV processors do not allow credits to be applied outside of a normal return. Since you have already returned the item, this type of transaction would fall under the category of a credit.

  1. Make a Sale.
  2. Add the customer to the Sale.
  3. Click "Account" under payment types.
  4. Click "Charge to Account".
  5. Enter the amount of the refund.
  6. Click "Save".


  1. Click "Credit".
  2. Click the credit card type.
  3. Click "Refund".
  4. Click "Save".
  5. The balance on order will be zero.
  6. Call Vantiv to have them credit the customer’s card with the amount of the refund.
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