Generating a hosted checkout key
Last Updated: May 17, 2013 11:09AM EDT
Granting Hosted Checkout Password Management Permissions
Only Web Portal Administrators on the merchant account will be able to grant
other contacts access to Hosted Checkout Password management. Web Portal Admins
are designated in the <strong>People</strong> tab in the CRM.
If the owner prefers, s/he can sign our document that will grant permission for
others to generate the password. (Hosted Checkout Password Support
agents can then impersonate the owner and change the permissions in the Portal.
Most likely, the dealer/developer will have been granted permission to generate
the HC password, so these screen shots are from the dealer portal and are the
same as the examples on the dealer set-up letters. The same procedure can be
followed for merchants generating their own HC password in the merchant portal.
If owner has granted dealer/developer permissions to manage HC password, a
signed document is on file in MC. Impersonate the owner and follow screen shots
below to grant dealer/developer HC Password Management Access.
Or, use this document to walk a Web Portal Admin through granting permissions:
- Portal Administrators will need to log into MercuryView.
- Click "Account Settings".
- Click "Permissions".
- Under "Mercury Hosted Checkout Password Management Access", click the checkbox next to any role you want to have the ability to manage the hosted checkout password.
- Click "Save".
Hosted CHECKOUT PASSWORD GENERATION: for Mercuryview Portal Administrators
(If you ARE NOT a MercuryView Portal Administrator see alternate instructions in section II)
The dealer should have already been given authorization to access your merchant’s HostedCheckout password, so follow the steps below. Dealers may be Portal Administrators or not, and you will know by the screens available to them. Follow the appropriate procedures below.
- Log into MercuryView at
- Click "Account Settings".
- Under "HostedCheckout Password Management", click the terminal for which you want to obtain a password and click "Continue".
- Click "Generate Password".
- Copy and paste the password to the Configuration Files for use by the merchant's eCommerce site.
- Click "Save".
- Web Developer will be responsible to enter password in appropriate place in their POS.
- Log into MercuryView at
- Click "Account Settings".
- Click the "Manage Mercury HostedCheckout Password" link.
- Under "HostedCheckout Password Management", click the terminal for which you want to obtain a password and click "Continue".
- Click "Generate Password".
- Copy and paste the password to the Configuration Files for use by the merchant's eCommerce site.
- Click "Save".
- Web Developer will be responsible to enter password in appropriate place in their POS.