The easiest way to communicate an error message or something unusual happening on your POS system is to take a picture of the error message or unusual occurrence and send it to us for review. If you’re not already familiar with the Snipping Tool that comes standard on most Windows PCs, you’ll be happy to learn about this great tool!
On a Windows 7 PC go to "Start", then "All Programs", then "Accessories", and then "Snipping Tool".
You may want to save it to your Taskbar or to your Start Menu for ease of access when you need it. To do this, right click on the application title from the start menu, then select "Pin To Taskbar" or "Pin to Start Menu". It’s very simple to find with minimal key strokes or mouse clicks when it’s pinned to the Taskbar.
Using the Snipping Tool:
When you need to use the snipping tool, just single click on the Snipping Tool icon located on your Taskbar or Start Menu. Click "New".
Now select the area that you’d like to “snip” for a picture by dragging the + sign around the area to be snipped. Then go to "File", then "Save As", and select a location for your picture and save as file type .jpg.
File size is limited to <1MB in order to be added to a support request. To check the file size, open the standard Windows application: Paint. Go to "Start", then "All Programs", then "Accessories", and then "Paint". Then open your picture in Paint. Go to "File" then "Open", and then browse to select your picture.
Once it’s open, look at the bottom of the screen to determine file size.
File size should be less than 1MB or 1000 KB.
If you need to reduce the file size, click "Resize".
Now you may begin reducing file size by changing the size to 90% of original and repeating until it is the size you need. Be sure the box for “Maintain aspect ratio” is checked so that it will keep the proportions of your photo intact.
Be sure to save your file with the new file size by going to "File" and then "Save".