How to Log Into iPOS Zendesk for Access to Attachments and Tickets for Support with iPOS

When a user account is created for you by iPOS in Zendesk, we will add your email address to your account for contact purposes.

This allows a customer to be copied via email on support request tickets.  You must create a password for your account in Zendesk as this is the only way that you will be able to access any attachments in your tickets such as pictures, screen shots, files, etc.

At the time of the user account creation in Zendesk, an email will be sent to you to the email address on file.

The email will come from informing you that you have been invited to create a login to our help center.

In this email, there will be a link named "Create a password" that you will need to click on to create the password for your user account in Zendesk with iPOS.

Shown below is an example of the email that you will receive.


The subject for the email will be "Create a password for Individual Point of Sale".

Once you click the link named "Create a password", you will be taken to a website prompting you to create your password.


There are password requirements that must be met for the password that you create and they are listed below.

  • Must be different than the previous 5 passwords.
  • Must be at least 6 characters.
  • Must be fewer than 128 characters.
  • Must be different from email address.
  • Must included letters in mixed case and numbers.
  • Must include a character that is not a letter or number.

Once you have entered your new password, click "Set password".

You will then be taken to our support ticketing system in Zendesk at

From here you can access articles in our support system, access any tickets that have been created by/for you as well as any/all attachments in support request tickets.

Please note that you must be logged into your account in Zendesk for iPOS to access any attachments to support request tickets.

If you haven't created a password for your account in Zendesk for iPOS, please contact our support team at (570)906-8598 option #3 so that we can resend you a verification email that you will use to create a password for your account in Zendesk.

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