This article will walk you through the process of formatting the GiveX Gift Card Liability report in an Excel spreadsheet so that it can then be imported to either Verosa or Lightspeed Gift Cards.
If you have not already obtained your GiveX Liability Report, please follow the instructions here.
- Navigate to your Downloads folder and open the Givex Liability Report spreadsheet.
- Click the button that is to the left of column A and above row 1 to select all rows and columns.
- Once the button has been clicked, it will show that everything is selected as shown below.
- In the Home toolbar, click the drop down menu for Format and then click AutoFit Column Width.
- Select columns A, C, D, and E.
- Delete columns A, C, D, and E so that only the fields named "serial_num_field" and "cur_balance" remain.
- Select column A.
- User the Control - H keyboard shortcut to bring up the Find and Replace window.
- In the Replace tab, enter a dash in the field named "Find what:".
- Click the button named "Replace All".
- You will see that the replace function has completed and can then click "OK".
- Click the button named "Close".
- We will now need to select column A so that we can format the cells to show the proper numbers.
- With column A selected, right click column A to open a menu and then click "Format Cells".
- In the Number tab, click "Number".
- Change "Decimal Places" to "0" and then click "OK".
- You will now see that the data in column A is now properly formatted to display the correct information needed.
- If you would like to sort the results by the current balance so that you can delete the rows for balances that are zero, click the button that is to the left of column A and above row 1 to select all rows and columns.
- Once the button has been clicked, it will show that everything is selected as shown below.
- In the Home toolbar, click the drop down menu for Sort & Filter and then click Custom Sort.
- In the Sort window, click the drop down menu for Sort by and choose cur_balance. Please make sure that the option named My data has headers is checked.
- Once the above has been done, make sure that the field named Order is set to Smallest to Largest and then click OK.
- You will now see the data sorted by the current balance on the gift cards from smallest amount to largest amount.
- If there are any gift cards that have a zero balance, you can simply delete those rows from the report so that they are not imported.
- Save the spreadsheet to an Excel Workbook format so that it can be provided to either Verosa or Lightspeed Gift Cards by following the steps below.
- This can be done by clicking File in the Home toolbar.
- Click Save As.
- Choose the location where you want the file saved, name the file according, and then click the drop down menu and choose Excel Workbook and then click Save.