How To Clear The Memory on a Metrologic or CipherLabs Physical Inventory Scanner If You Encounter An Error Stating "Memory Full"

This article will walk you through clearing the internal memory on a Metrologic or CipherLabs physical inventory scanner if you happen to encounter an error message stating "Memory Full" when performing scans.

Please note that the pictures in this article show a CipherLabs physical inventory scanner but the process is the same for Metrologic physical inventory scanners as well.

  1. If the physical inventory scanner is turned on, turn it off by pressing and holding the power button.


  1. With the physical inventory scanner turned off, first press and hold the "7" and "9" buttons and then press and hold the power button.


  1. This will take you to the System Menu as shown below.


  1. From the System Menu, press "4" for "Memory".


  1. From the Memory menu, press "2" for "Initialize".


  1. This will erase the internal memory of the physical inventory scanner and will state "Initializing...  OK" when the process has finished.


  1. Press the "ESC" button twice to go back to the System Menu.


  1. You will now be back at the System Menu.


  1. Turn the physical inventory scanner off by pressing and holding the power button.


  1. You may now turn the physical inventory scanner on and use it as you normally would for performing a physical inventory.
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