Discount / Freight / Fee Added to Receiving Voucher

When creating a Receiving Voucher, if you need to add a Discount, Fee, or Freight to items being received in QuickBooks Point of Sale Desktop (QB POS DT), perform the following steps:

  1. Before finalizing the Voucher, select Discount / Fee / Freight option by one of the following
  • Select the blue Action Button on the left if active.Receiving_Screen_DFF.png
  • Select the "I Want To" green button,  then select "Enter Discount / Fee / Freight".Receiving_Screen_IWT-EDFF.png
  1. Enter one of the following:
    • Discount Percentage
    • Discount Amount
    • Freight Amount
    • Fee Amount


  1. Select whether to have the Discount, Fee, or Freight added to the cost of the items by checking the option at the bottom of the pop-Up window.
  2. When interfaced to QuickBooks Desktop, choosing not to have the Discount, Fee or Freight affect the item cost, the following accounts will be important to be set in File->Company Preferences-> Financial->Accounts->Advanced:
    • Voucher Adjustment - Affected by Discount Percentage or Discount Amount
    • Freight In - Affected by Freight
    • Voucher Fee - Affected by Fee
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