Backing up Revel Management Console Data - Product Inventory

You can export information from the Revel Management Console as a way of backing up data for safe keeping.

Before logging into your Management Console to export any information, you will want to create a folder on your computer to store the files you are exporting.  For Example: C:\Revel Backup\Vendors.

  1. Open a web browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari).
  2. Navigate to your Revel URL. For Example:


  1. Log into your Revel Management Console with your credentials.
  2. In the main toolbar, click on Inventory.

  1. In the Inventory main window pane, click More.PNG More>Export>Excel (Customized).


  1. Be sure to read General Information.
  2. In Product Inventory Export, select Additional Columns. 


  1. Check Include Inactive Products if you would like to export all Product Inventory including inactive products.


  1. Check Include hidden Products if you would like to export Products that are not marked to Track In Inventory.


  1. Check Export by Primary Stock Unit if you would to export quantities by Primary Stock Unit instead of Inventory Tracking Unit


  1. Click Export.
  2. If you would like to change the email address you wish to have the spreadsheet sent to, type the address in the box and click Continue.  Otherwise, click Continue.
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