How to do a Designer Greetings Update in QBPOS Desktop

FIRST, perform a backup within QuickBooks Point of Sale

Preparing your Excel Spreadsheet:

  1. Save the file that you created to a folder on your desktop.  In order to keep it consistent with directions in this document, please save the file to your C: drive in the folder POS Stuff and then in the folder DG Updates.
  2. Open the DG Update file that you saved from your email to the hard drive.
  3. Save this document with a new name so that you do not alter the original file in any way.  This is to be sure you have something to go back to in case a mistake occurs.
    • File->Save As->new documentname (It is advisable to use the month and year as file name with the word revised at the end so  you know it is the file you worked on.  For example: March2013DGUPDATErevised.
    • Save as type “Excel Workbook”.
    • Click "Save".

  1. Add headers to columns as follows:
  • ALU
  • Item Name
  • Department
  • Attribute
  • Cost
  • Vendor
  • Vendor Code
  • Retail
  • MSRP
  • UPC
  1. Click in one of the blank columns and type the header: Eligible for Rewards. Then, under the header row, type YES and copy that all the way down the column.  (NOTE: This may already be done for you.  If so, please skip to the next step.)
  2. Click on and highlight the UPC Column. At the top of screen, look for the section with the label “Number” and then click the drop down box next to “General” and select Number UPC.


  1. Now the UPCs appear to have 2 decimal places. Remove the decimal place by clicking on the à.00 button 2 times.  Now you should have UPCs without any decimals.

  1. Optional step: Delete all blank columns.
  2. Save your revised spreadsheet.

Importing your Designer Greetings Items:

  1. From the HOME screen in POS, click File->Utilities->Import.

  1. A window will open.  Select "Next".

  1. Click on the circle next to "Inventory Items" and then click "Next".

  1. Click on the circle next to "Custom File" and then click "Next".

  1. Click on "Browse" to choose which file to import.

  1. Select the "C:" drive and then select the "POS Stuff" folder.

  1. Select the "DGUpdates" folder.

  1. Select the file and then click "Open".

  1. Click on dropdown next to "Data is on sheet" and select the page.

  1. Be sure "Data starts on row" says it starts on Row "2".

  1. Click on Dropdown menu next to "Add or Select Mapping" and select "DGUPDATE2013".
  2. Click on "Show All Available Fields".

  1. Verify that all 12 items are mapped and then click "Save".
  2. Verify you have selected the "DGUpdates2013" mapping and then click "Next".

  1. Next to "During import, what field should POS use to determine if a record already exists" and select "UPC".  Next to "When duplicate records are detected during import" select "Replace existing data with import data including blank fields".  For "If an item has no department in the import file, which department should POS assign to it?" select "Greeting Cards".

  1. The data import wizard will read the data.


  • Be sure box is checked next to "Backup the company file before importing" and then click on "Import".

  1. Rename the backup file to include the next numerical number. For example, if the file is "HermansCardsmartPreImport1", then rename it to "HermansCardsmartPreImport2".

  1. POS will begin backing up your company file.

  1. Once backup is completed, POS will begin importing your items.

  1. Once import has completed, click "Close".

  1. You’re all finished with this import! Repeat the steps if you have additional files to import.


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