You may wish to print a receipt, or have the option to print a receipt, for a return or voided transaction.
If you do, you must enable this setting in the Management Console.
Go to Settings>Payment Settings.
There are two options. One is “Print all void receipts” and the other is “Print void receipts”. Please check the box next to both of these settings.
You may choose to print every void receipt or have the system prompt to ask if you want to print.
Please keep in mind if you choose Yes, the system will print a receipt for every void, return or exchange, even if there’s no payment. You may wish to prompt vs. automatically print if you do not want a copy of every single void, return, or exchange receipt.
If you would like to print every one, select Yes.
If you would like to be prompted to ask if you want to print, select Prompt.
Notice in the photos above that you may also indicate how many copies you'd like to print. Just select the desired number from the drop down menu next to Print void receipts.
Save your changes.