Best Practices for Keeping Your Computers and Networks Protected

  • Use only computers with actively supported operating systems and up to date software.
  • Do NOT browse the internet, use Social Media or send and receive email on ANY computer or device that is on the same network as a computer used for QuickBooks Point of Sale Desktop or QuickBooks Desktop Accounting.
    o A device is a tablet, smartphone or laptop.
  • Purchase and Configure a commercial grade Network Router.
  • Configure each computer on the Point of Sale / Accounting network with a Standard Windows User account and an Administrator User account.
    o Administrator account is only to be used when Hardware / Software changes are made.
    o Standard Windows User account is used ALL the time.
  • Each computer on the Point of Sale / Accounting network is to have both antivirus and firewall software installed AND configured properly.
    o Configure to have daily updates and daily full virus scans.
    o Daily review of updates and scans to verify completion.
    o iPOS uses BitDefender Managed Internet Security. Click here to read more.
  • Configure 2 Point of Sale and Accounting database backups daily.
    o Mid-Day and End of Day.
    o Confirm backups completed successfully, daily.
  • Install and Configure an Offsite Backup application.
    o Confirm Offsite Backup completed successfully, daily.
    o iPOS offers a Managed Offsite Backup Application. Click here to read more.
  • Configure each computer to install Windows updates automatically.
    o Confirm updates have installed and restart computer if necessary.
    o Windows Updates are released on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month.
     On the 2nd and 4th Wednesday check if updates are waiting to be installed, Restart the computer to install.
     An update waiting to be installed will be noted when you go to Shutdown or Restart.
  • All wireless connectivity MUST either be contained to a guest wireless network or properly segmented wireless network.
  • All wireless connectivity must have proper security.
  • All credentials for software and hardware access need to be updated on a regular basis, i.e., passwords changed every 30, 45 or 60 days.
  • Passwords need to be strong (at least 8 characters consisting of upper and lower case letters, at least 1 number and at least 1 special character).
  • Configure the screen saver in Windows to lock the screen after a couple of minutes.
    o Require password to unlock the screen saver.
  • It is highly recommended that any passwords used do not contain any of the following pieces of information:
    o Name, Nickname, Username, Child’s name, Birthdates, Any other type of personally identifiable piece of information.
  • When an employee leaves your company, disable their credentials immediately.
  • To learn about best practices for QuickBooks Point of Sale Desktop and QuickBooks Accounting Desktop Security, click here.
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