Add Items to a Purchase Order Via the Item List in QBPOS Desktop


You will be shown how to add items to a Purchase Order via the Item List.  This process will allow you to select multiple items from a specific vendor instead of having to go through the entire Item List one by one.

Follow the instructions in the article named “Create a Filter for a Vendor in the Item List in QBPOS Desktop” by clicking the below link to create filters for each Vendor that you order from.

Create a Filter for a Vendor in the Item List in QBPOS Desktop

  1. Open QBPOS Desktop if it is not already open.
  2. Click on “Item List”.

  1. Click on the drop down menu to the right of the "Search Inventory" window.

  1. Click on the filter for the vendor that has been created.  In this example, we will click on the filter named “Ace Beverage”.

  1. Your Item List will now only display items that are assigned to the specific vendor that was chosen via the filter.  In this example, only items assigned to the Vendor named “Ace Beverage” are displayed.

  1. Select the first item that you would like to order by left clicking on the item.  The selected item will now be highlighted light green.

  1. Find the next item that you would like to add to the purchase order, press and hold the Control button on the keyboard and then left click the item to add it to the current selection.  Once again, the newly selected item will now be highlighted light green like the first item selected.

  1. Repeat step #7 until you have selected all of the items that you wish to purchase from the vendor.

  1. Once all items that are to be purchased from the vendor are selected, click on the drop down menu named “I Want to…

  1. Click “Order Items”.

  1. This will now take all selected items for the specific vendor and add them to a new Purchase Order in QBPOS Desktop.

  1. Click on the drop down menu for the Vendor and select the vendor from the drop down menu.

  1. Select the vendor from the drop down menu.  In this example, we will select “Ace Beverage”.

  1. You may now modify the fields of data in the Purchase Order as necessary for the order.  For example: Order Cost, Quantity Ordered, etc..
  2. Once you have finished adding the items to the Purchase Order and making the necessary changes, you can click either “Save Only” or “Save & Print” as needed for your business.

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