You will be shown how to create a filter in the Item List in QBPOS Desktop so that you can easily view all items from a particular vendor at once.
- Open QBPOS Desktop.
- Go to the Item List.
- Click on the “All Items” drop down menu to the right of the Search Inventory window.
- Click “< Create Filter >” in the drop down menu.
- Use the scroll bar and scroll down until you get to a field name of “Vendor Name”.
- Click in the field “Vendor Name” to select the field of data.
- Click on the icon that looks like a list.
- You will now see a new window named “Vendor Name”.
- Click on the box for the vendor that you want to select.
- Click “OK”.
- Click “Save”.
- Enter a name for the new filter.
- Click “OK” to save the filter.
- You will now see that the filter named “Ace Beverage” is selected and that only items that are from that vendor are displayed in the Item List.
- Repeat steps #2 through 14 to create additional filters for the Item List.