Create a Filter for a Vendor in the Item List in QBPOS Desktop


You will be shown how to create a filter in the Item List in QBPOS Desktop so that you can easily view all items from a particular vendor at once.

  1. Open QBPOS Desktop.
  2. Go to the Item List.


  1. Click on the “All Items” drop down menu to the right of the Search Inventory window.

  1. Click “< Create Filter >” in the drop down menu.

  1. Use the scroll bar and scroll down until you get to a field name of “Vendor Name”.


  1. Click in the field “Vendor Name” to select the field of data.

  1. Click on the icon that looks like a list.


  1. You will now see a new window named “Vendor Name”.

  1. Click on the box for the vendor that you want to select.

  1. Click “OK”.

  1. Click “Save”.

  1. Enter a name for the new filter.

  1. Click “OK” to save the filter.

  1. You will now see that the filter named “Ace Beverage” is selected and that only items that are from that vendor are displayed in the Item List.

  1. Repeat steps #2 through 14 to create additional filters for the Item List.
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